Better Newspaper Contest
Although the 2021 NPA annual convention was held virtually, we’re providing some of the major components of our annual event to our members through the use of technology. We’ll recognize and honor member newspapers and their individual staff members for their journalistic and creative efforts from the past year.
Contest & Awards Video
The video announcing contest and award winners launches Thursday, June 17 at 11 am CDT. The link and login details will be emailed on June 17.
All members will have access to the presentation at the same time and no results will be released in advance. All first-, second- and third-place contest winners in each category will be unveiled in the video.
This video is around an hour in length – the same as in prior years. PART 2 of the video features the sweepstakes award winners. PART 3 of the video features the Omaha World-Herald Service to Agriculture Awards and Community Service Awards and Outstanding Young Nebraska Journalist winners. The video can be view in whole or in parts, and will be available online after the launch date for at least 30 days.
Contest Tab
The contest tab section featuring all contest winners is also being printed this year. Multiple copies will be mailed to each newspaper to arrive soon after the June 17 video launch. Printing of this year’s tab has been donated by the Scottsbluff Star-Herald.
Certificates for the individual category winners will be mailed to each newspaper to arrive soon after the June 17 video launch.
Share your wins
We encourage newspapers to have staff “watch parties” and “celebrate locally” as contest and award winners are announced in the video – and email photos of your “watch parties” for us to share with members! Follow the video reveal and celebration on NPA’s Facebook and Instagram! @nebraska_press_association
History & Awards
As Nebraska’s oldest trade organization, we’ve acquired more than a few members of outstanding talent in our 121 year history. It’s through these awards we recognize those members who have given an outstanding performance, both to their individual newspapers and to those of us at the NPA. Feel free to look through these pages at those members who have been recognized for their excellence. Who knows – your name may be here sooner than you think!