Affiliate Membership
What do you get for your Affiliate Membership dues?
- Two feature editions (Apr/May and Oct/Nov) of the electronic Nebraska Newspaper magazine. The Apr/May issue is the NPA Convention wrap-up, featuring convention photos and highlighting the award winners. The Oct/Nov issue features the annual Nebraska Journalism Hall of Fame banquet and the inductees. Both issues of the Nebraska Newspaper are sent by email.
- Invitations to participate in our annual NPA Conventions, traditionally held each year in April. More than 200 persons attend this annual weekend event. The convention provides a great opportunity to network and converse with publishers, editors and reporters from all parts of Nebraska. Affiliates can also attend the convention workshops and banquets, if they choose.
- Invitations to participate in any workshops or seminars that are held throughout the year.
What does it cost?
Our fee structure is simple: $30 annual membership. Affiliates may also subscribe to the NPA Bulletin (“Green Sheet”) newsletter for $40 per year. The weekly emailed Bulletin includes NPA news and events and industry issues and trends. We bill for the Bulletin and annual membership in December. Membership and the bulletin subscription runs from January 1 – December 31.
If you have been an employee of a Nebraska newspaper you are eligible to become an affiliate member. More than 30 individuals have joined our Affiliate ranks, and we make every effort to make them feel welcome and to serve them.
Some facts about the Nebraska Press Association:
- It is one of the oldest trade association in the state, first meeting in 1873.
- Its membership includes 146 newspapers.
- The Association is housed in a building it owns at 845 “S” Street, Lincoln.
Register online or call 402-476-2851 or 800-369-2850 for more information.